

Citrus crop losses from Ian expected to top 80 percent in some areas

2022年10月5日 | 新闻, 灾难的资源 | 0评论 | 返回|




In addition to the widespread destruction Hurricane Ian left in its wake, the devastating effects of wind and rain also wreaked havoc on Florida's citrus industry.

雷·罗伊斯, executive director of the Highlands Citrus Growers Association, 你听过十几个柑橘种植区的种植者报告说,他们种植的水果有15%到80%都掉了吗. 在一些地方, 由于洪水顽固地返回湖泊和溪流,并威胁到树木,这些损失可能会更高.   

The groves hit hardest by hurricane Ian appear to be in southern Polk, 夏洛特, 德索托, 荷迪, 高地和海牛县, 他说 based on his communications with growers over the weekend. 

“我认为重要的是,柑橘的损害将持续数月甚至数年,罗伊斯说. “最近几天,我们看到很多水果落地,未来一周还会有更多的水果落地,这些果树的压力将持续数年.”  

就洪水而言, the east side of the storm was pretty much dry especially along the Highland Ridge, 罗伊斯说.  

“But when you get into western Highlands County and 荷迪 and 德索托 counties, there is tremendous flooding in the Myakka River Valley,他说. “据我所知,该地区的许多树林已经在深水中浸泡了五六天.”


马特Joyner, 巴托市Citrus Mutual的执行副总裁兼首席执行官说,波尔克县南部的大风导致水果下降了20%到50%. 然而, 积水对佛罗里达州的树林造成了重大影响,对于一些种植者来说,积水太深或太危险,无法进入他们的树林进行损害评估, especially in the orchards beyond the banks of the Arcadia River and elsewhere. 

“This has been as much of a water event as it has been a wind event,” Joyner said.


“我们在德索托县有很多种植者无法出去评估损失,因为你有太多的死水, 道路封闭, 道路被冲毁, culverts washed out; and so along with a wind event, it is a tremendous water event that is causing a lot of problems for the industry,他说.  “The real long-term consequences we will not know for weeks.”

阿卡迪亚地区, 德索托县和夏洛特县受到内陆风的冲击,据报道持续风速为120英里/小时,阵风甚至更高. 他说,这个地区的果园可能损失了80%以上的水果,许多种植者报告说,这里有连根拔起的树.

森. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, a staunch supporter of the state's citrus industry said in a Sept. 28日接受CNN记者杰克·塔珀采访时表示,由于柑橘绿化,佛罗里达州的柑橘产业已经摇摇欲坠.

“如果他们失去了今年的收成和一堆树,你就不能重新开始,”他告诉塔珀. “这需要时间 ... So it's going to be a big hit for them."  

Various agricultural areas hit hard

Citrus crops were not the only damaged commodity. 沿着从波尔克县流出的阿巴克尔河地区有被洪水淹没的牛牧场,并向南供应伊斯托克波加湖, 罗伊斯说. 连根拔起的橡树砸坏了牧场的围栏,导致牛群走失,一些牛群被洪水淹没,在洪水退去之前无法到达. 

在6686体育集团官网,至少有一名种植者报告说,他的冬瓜植株在风中和塑料中被鞭打,庄稼被撕成碎片, 罗伊斯说.  

南部, 基因麦卡沃伊, agricultural consultant and retired University of Florida researcher, said the damage due to Ian was different than Hurricane Irma but damage was widespread.  

“The fruit is all over the place in southwest Florida in Hendry, 贫民区和科利尔街,麦卡沃伊说, who has 50 years of experience in farming. 他说,与飓风“厄玛”相比,蔬菜的情况要好得多。飓风“厄玛”摧毁了农田的塑料覆盖物和植物. Most of the plastic stayed down in southwest Florida this time. 

“We had sandblasting, and some plants will have to be replanted,” 麦卡沃伊说. “从长远来看,这将影响产量,增加成本,因为种植者将不得不喷洒更多的杀菌剂和类似的东西,因为这些植物现在更容易生病,因为它们受伤了. But not a catastrophic loss like we saw in Irma.”  


“We didn’t have the extensive flooding,他说, adding the rainfall in the southwest was manageable with pumps where he has inspected. 


As he stood in a citrus grove Monday in Lee County, 麦卡沃伊观察到,10%至20%的树林遭受了树木破坏,30%至70%的果实掉落.  

The varieties of 橙子 closer to ripening suffered the most losses. The Hamlin 橙子 typically harvested early in the growing season took the worst hit, with Valencia 橙子 remaining attached to their stems at higher percentages, 他说. 

In the Glades region, sugar cane in Hendry County was blown at an angle, 麦卡沃伊说. That crop can straighten up to a certain degree as it grows, but a percentage of leaning stalks will be lost because it will be missed by the harvester.  

大约50%的敏感作物,如四季豆,不能承受大量的风和水,将需要重新种植, 麦卡沃伊说. In growing areas such as Pine Island off the coast of Lee County, which was covered by the salty storm surge, 芒果和热带水果种植者受到严重破坏,可能会在未来几十年被消灭,因为土壤需要多年的雨水来冲刷盐分,再次支持农业. 

Strawberries spared, other crops not so much

In Hillsborough County-based Wish Farms, 第四代草莓种植者也受到了影响,但与全州其他农业企业相比,他们认为自己的命运比较温和.

“Our situation pales in comparison to other folks,尼克·维什纳茨基说, the grower's public relations manager said in a statement. 我们的草莓农场&海牛县杜埃特的D农场在飓风伊恩的风雨中遭受了一些破坏.”  

“幸运的是,我们推迟了播种,因为我们在等着看伊恩的路径,”声明继续说道. “Around 10-15% of the plastic beds were ripped up, a few fields were completely submerged under water, and dirt was blown into the fields changing some of the grading."  

"Power was knocked out, but it got restored Saturday morning," Duette said. "There will be additional costs to get back on track, but we don’t foresee any significant delay to the Florida season getting underway in November."  

According to UF’s Institute for Food and 农业 Science, 佛罗里达州的农业生产300多种商品,从牲畜和水产养殖到水果和蔬菜作物.

The seasonal crops currently in the ground include over 200,000 acres of fresh market vegetables, 喜欢黄瓜, 辣椒和西红柿, 超过180,000英亩的干草和95,000英亩的大田作物, 喜欢甘蔗, 棉花和花生, UF/IFAS的官员说. 大部分土地——超过300万英亩——是牧场,像牛肉和奶牛这样的牲畜至少有70头,000英亩. 

“碰巧是这样, 飓风伊恩的到来与该地区大多数作物的种植时间一致,克丽斯塔·考特说, UF economist and director of the UF/IFAS Economic Impact Analysis Program. "The crops in harvest now include avocado, 橙子, 葡萄柚, 杨桃, 玉米, 花生和红薯.” 


“暴风雨过去之后, assessing the damages might not be a quick process, depending on power and telecommunication outages, limited access to farms and ranches due to flooding, 以及其他挑战,法院说. “Other effects might only appear in the long-term, including problems like soil salinity affected by storm surge along the coast.”

“The point is that each commodity, 每一个农场, 看到不同的影响, even in the same area during the same weather event,她补充道. "It is our goal to capture as much information as we can, 我们收集的信息可以帮助他们恢复并为下一次事件做准备.” 

保罗nutch can be reached at pnutcher@gannett.com.








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